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The senior’s dream toward the new road


 七十路(ななそじ)を歩きだしたのは少し前のことである。通過点であったことは事実だが、実感はなく、特別に気にもとめなかった。ときどき年齢を聞かれるときに、「ああ、こうして七十(しちじゅう)、七十(しちじゅう)、と思い込まされ、刷り込まれていくのだな」と思った程度である。 ただそのころ、私にはささやかな夢があって、それに向けて熱を上げていたのも「七十」(しちじゅう)である。その夢とは、英会話を人並みにマスターすることである。

 It was a short while ago when I had started to walk the way of the seventies. It is true that the seventies is a momentary point of the passing years. Then I didn’t have the special feeling of the realty in my life and I didn’t care about it too. But I just used to realize that it would be etched into my memory whenever I replied my age by request.
 In those days, I had a small dream and I was enthusiastic about it. I remember the time when it was my seventies. And the small dream was to master conversational English ordinarily.
 It was a mere English study, but unexpectedly there were another dreams that it could awake one senior up and expand his dream boundlessly in there.

(二) 2



 Speaking of what made me start it, I could say that I had time enough to practicing the English conversation.
 It seemed like simple reason but I could say that there were some personal meanings in the background.
 To my shame, I had often tried and failed all kind of the practicing not only English but also other fields. Although it started with firm resolutions at first, after a while it’s enthusiasm for practicing had left me and in the end there had been nothing to acquire. I used to be ashamed of myself for not having been able to do anything.
 I had been convincing myself of its cause that was just no time enough for practicing. It was a praiseworthy attitude that I didn’t believe to be the lack of my capabilities.
 Now then, the seventies had been coming with a favorable environment of the enough time and urging me to challenge again. I was taken it for granted that now was the time to drive away my pent-up frustration.

(三) 3


 ラジオを聴取(ちょうしゅ)することも欠かせない手段である。熱い気持ちをしたためて番組に投書したところ、なんと講師から丁寧なコメントが返される。師(し)曰(いわ)く、If you really want to improve your English, you can.と。 オバマ氏の先を行く力強い「you CAN」という激励である。


 Honestly speaking, my English skill was so poor that it seemed I was in the beginner’s class. Then I had to start practicing from the junior high school level.
 Its speaking voice sounded like frog’s murmuring or aged toad’s groaning. I had tried to hang up a sign that says “Toad Linguistic Laboratory” on the door of my study. It seemed like strong declaration of toad’s resolution.
 The radio programs were also indispensable for learning English to me. One day I wrote a letter to the effect that I was very enthusiastic about it to the editor of the program. To my great surprise, I could find the comment from a well-known lecturer on the text. It said “If you really want to improve your English, you can.” It had been encouraging me reassuringly as if it had been ahead of Mr. Obama’s “you CAN”.
 Thus, morning and evening the croaking noise was made off loudly from my den and it called the chuckling from neighbors.

(四) 4




 After a while, I noticed that I was suffering serious difficulties to spoil this fresh desire to learn. That was a tendency to be getting poor my essential memory because of declining phenomenon of physical functions that didn’t get rid of.
 I noticed that it was becoming more difficult to develop newly my vocabulary in the least. It seemed the passion for learning was superior to others, but it happened there was indeed an unexpected enemy who would obstruct my way.
 New objectives consisted of five articles were hung up in the lab. Though I didn’t think it needed to describe the details, in short it encouraged myself to do my best in senior’s own way without abandonment if it seemed to be immature.
 Later I was just able to reach the text of senior high school level. Then it gradually expanded my dream, and to be bold as brass, I would like to try a kind of guide for foreigners in Matsushima or somewhere.
 An article of town bulletin caught my attention. They were looking for some interpreting volunteers who could support foreigners from sister cities.
 I applied to town office right away, and I was asked what kind of qualifications I had. I felt embarrassed when I heard it. I’d never known that it required qualifying examinations in such a field.

(五) 5


 インタビューの試験では、私の名前に肯(うなず)いた試験官、Oh, you are oK? ストレスは「K」に置かれている。とっさに、Yes, I am oK. と私、そして思わずスマイルで交歓。実は私の名前「圭」の文字は、「アルファベットK」の音に近いのである。意外なシニア受験生と見て気を許したのか、このガイジンの採点は思いのほか高得点だったのは愛嬌(あいきょう)である。



 A rush guy made up his mind to take a qualifying examination so called “Ei-ken” without careful consideration.
 Among the examinees occupied with many female students mostly, he traced the English sentences one by one, strained his ears to hear the English voices and wrote the answers in a hurry. It was natural that he was confused by serious atmosphere in there because it was the examination after half century of absence for him. But he forced his own way of senior’s boldness by holding out to the end.
 At the oral examination, the interviewer nodded slightly to his name and responded. “Oh, you are oK?” It was stressed “K”. He replied at once. “ Yes, I am oK.” Then they exchanged each other a favorable impression with smile. In fact, his name called Kei was pronounced to be similar to the alphabet “K”.
 Later he noticed that this interview result was higher scores than he expected. It might be thought that this interviewer had been off his guard at the moment because of the happening to a curious senior examinee.
 And he recognized that it was definitely clear to be poor in vocabulary from advanced class’s viewpoint.
This was to be his new object and the croaking noise from his lab was louder than before.

(六) 6




 Monotonous studying days had been going by for a while. Just as it had been expected, it was likely that a weak-minded insect might move. It seemed it might take more times to acquire studying than before because the responses were getting more and more dull. The word “collapse” was often haunting me. It seemed that I might repeat the same failure as my precedents.
 I tried to get over the present difficulties, then I begun to attend the English conversation class.
 This class encouraged me to study harder, also extended boundlessly my new dream I never expected.

(七) 7







 I met a foreign teacher called Babu-San in the class.
He had an interest in Japanese culture, and sometimes he showed us his peculiar habit to ask for it.
 He said. “Who is Mr. Basyo?” I noticed it meant a Haiku-poet “Matuso Basyo”.
 I was puzzled for a moment when I heard his word that who Tenshin is. Later it could be caught to indicate Tenshin Okakura.
 I also had been inquired what Ryohkan had accomplished. He was talking about well-known monk Ryokan.
 According to him, Ryokan was reflected as a genuine thinker to Babu-san. In a moment, it let me keenly realize that my learning was inconsistent so far.
 I was puzzled for a moment too when I heard his word whether I had tried having “Jya-jya-men”. That is known as a food of specialties in Morioka. I replied I was afraid but never. However I noticed that his real intention was to visit Morioka for once because the Morioka was likely the birthplace of an author of the “BUSHIDO”.
 To my surprise, I realized that this book had been highly valued still now by the foreigners who wanted to learn about Japan. It is said its first edition was indeed in 1900. It made myself believe that actually what great this author was.
 As a result, I understood that my practicing English conversation was to involve knowing the great pioneer’s world, learning a lot from the classics and realizing fully how important the knowledge of Japanese culture is.

(八) 8




 Though this strange lab started as a room with practicing poor English, it didn’t stay there. Gradually it developed its field from English to the unexpected fields and I was getting more and more heated.
 When Babu-san brought up the question that we were able to refer to Yezo as Ainu, my response had evolved to advanced stage.
 That Kanji-character could be read as Yemishi too, and it indicated Ohsyu where seemed a remote region from the Kyoto or natives of the ancient Tohoku district northeast in Japan. Also the name of Isawa in Mizusawa city could see in that history.
 We Babu-san and me made a plan to visit Mizusawa city. And I noticed that a famous Dutch doctor Mr. Cyoei Tkano’s birthplace is in there. Beforehand I had read the book “The story of dream” written by Cyoei in the end of Yedo era. In addition, I tried to put it into English though it took about ten days. Everything was ready. This time I wouldn’t get stuck in front of Babu-san.
 Then we had been in Mizusawa city on a bright autumn day.

(九) 9




 Mr. Inazo has left us a high message “I wish to become a bridge across the Pacific.” Mr. Tenshin has mentioned “The ideals of East” to the world and Mr. Cyoei has been telling us “The dawn of a new age in Japan” in his book “The story of dream”.
 Needless to say, I’m no match for those great pioneers and also I’m still immature, but whenever I’m heading for my own dreams, I feel that my dream seems to be boundlessly extending more and more.
Everyone receive their seventies as usual, but it is the unknown new road for them that they have never tried.
 I believe that the senior’s dream is to act aggressively toward the new road without any fears.
 It is said that the aging society already has come and we will be treated kindly, but I shouldn’t think we would be waiting for that.
 Because, the ocean filled with dream of bright future is encouraging us.

Nov. 26, 2009)


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